7 Things That Could Change for Restaurants After COVID-19


The restaurant of the future will be quite different. As restaurant owners are evaluating their post-COVID-19 strategies, it appears that they will need to make several design changes to satisfy the new consumer expectations.

Commercial Renovation has become an essential project for restaurant brands to prepare themselves for the new health standards and norms. Here are seven ways in which restaurants are expected to change after COVID-19:

  1. Seating Arrangements

Restaurants will now need flexible seating, ideally with dividers, to accommodate social distancing. The material for the dividers must be selected carefully as they require frequent sanitizing. Glass, for instance, is a suitable and easy to sanitize material.

  1. Handwashing Stations

Another thing that will become a part of the norm of any restaurant is hands-free handwashing stations. Moreover, if you have sanitizer areas, it sends an impression to the customer that you care about their safety.

  1. No-touch Solutions

Employee and customer safety will be of paramount importance post-COVID-19. Restaurants of the future will have to provide hands-free solutions for handwashing, menu order, lights, doors, toilet flushing, and more. Customers will expect and demand such changes.

  1. Flexible Kitchens

It is now time to make kitchens more compact and highly productive. A professional commercial contractor can help you design modular kitchens so that you can reduce your expenses while changing your menu significantly.

  1. Increase Natural Light

Most customers prefer restaurants with natural light instead of artificial lighting. Creating open-air spaces is also a good idea. You can introduce more windows to increase the amount of natural light. Alternatively, you can add an outdoor cooler or mist fans in outdoor spaces.

  1. Designated Passageway

As you rearrange your seating layout and create distances and dividers, you must demarcate a clear service passageway. This will define the route restaurant staff needs to take to avoid coming in the path of customers.

  1. Double Order Pickup and Drive-Thru Areas

To offer more flexibility to customers, you can create a designated parking spot for customers to place and pay for their orders. This is great for customers who are just driving by and didn’t have a chance to place online orders a head of time.


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